Now I am…

Ok, so now I am officially neglecting my blog, but there will be plenty of new stuff to come. I have something set up for almost every weekend for the next month, so there should be plenty of images coming this way…. I am 2 weeks from being done school for the semester, so one more test and one more paper, and I am free for the summer. I have decided not to take any summer classes so that I can focus on my growing my photography. In the next month on my blog you will see:
-2 weddings
-a senior shoot
-a graduation
-a holy communion
….. and maybe some more fun stuff…..stay tuned

Sunny Florida

Hey guys.. I’m not neglecting my blog, I’m just in Florida on a business trip. I’m sure everyone back in Jersey is jealous of the 85 degree sunny weather here, but it kinda stinks to be on a trip alone. I do have my little point and shoot camera with me so maybe I’ll get some time to grab a few pics when I’m not working. I’ll be back on Friday, and off to a cheerleading competition this weekend. Now…. back to Dancing with the Stars….

Brett and Kimmy are Married

I’m so excited just to even write this blog post! This past Saturday I got the most awesome opportunity to second shoot for Nate Juliano at Brett and Kimmy’s wedding. I was super nervous in the beginning… so much so that I wasn’t talking, and anyone who knows me knows that me not talking is a rare occasion. Once I relaxed, I was able to enjoy myself. The bride was beautiful and the reception had so many personal touches that you could not help to share in their love that day.

Mark Gardner - March 25, 2008 - 9:26 PM

Hey, Nice job! Congrats!

Chelsea Elizabeth - March 30, 2008 - 1:02 PM

Hi Melissa,
Your pictures are looking great! Keep it up. Your going to do well in this biz. Miss ya! :)

kristi kienholz | dolce - March 30, 2008 - 10:38 PM

Beautiful images! You’re doing great! :)


It was just our luck that we had a term paper due on Easter Sunday and we didn’t think we were going to get a chance to have Easter dinner with the family or anything. After church, we decided that we couldn’t do another night of lean cuisines and we were going to get our papers done before dinner no matter what. I don’t think I have ever written a paper so fast, but we finished just in time to make it to Austin’s aunt’s house for all the goodies. Stay tuned for an exciting blog post to come from this past Saturday!

In-line for Springtime

So, I decided last week that I needed to escape from my desk at lunchtime because I was going a bit crazy from staring into my monitor forever. So, I took my lunch break at sports authority knowing that I could find some new toys while I was there. In a matter of minutes I had found a pair of roller blades that I loved and I was skating around sports authority. So… the blades had to come home with me… I called Austin and begged him to leave work early to go rollerblading, but unfortunatly I had to go back to work and stick it out for the rest of the day while my new rollerblades waited patiently in the trunk…I haven’t rollerbladed since about 6th grade, but in the last week I have become a rollerblading nut… Lola trys to keep up by running down the sidewalk.. but the poor pup gets tired out after only a few laps around the block… Now, if I could only figure out how to stop; because my skates don’t have any brakes………